Longboard Bearings
{% if products.length > 1 %}{{ products.length }} results{% endif %}
- Daddies Steel Built In Skateboard Bearings - Orange
- Daddies Ceramic Built In Skateboard Bearings - White
- Modus Ceramic Skateboard Bearings - White
- Loaded Jehu V2 Precision Skateboard Bearings - Red
- Bones Race Reds Bearings - Black
- Rollerbones Bearings 8mm 16pk
- Zealous Ceramic Built-In Bearings - White
- Zealous Bearings - Green
- Cloud Ride Tube Bearings - Yellow
- Bones Swiss Ceramic Bearings - Black
- Bones Swiss Bearings - Black
- Bones Super Reds Bearings - Black
- Bones Ceramic Super Reds Bearings - White
- Bones Big Balls Bearings - Blue
- Bones Super Swiss 6 Bearings - Blue
- Bronson Eric Dressen Pro G3 Bearings - Red
- Spitfire Cheapshots Skateboard Bearings - Black
- Modus Titanium Skateboard Bearings - Black
- Modus Abec 7 Skateboard Bearings - Blue
- Modus Abec 5 Skateboard Bearings - Blue
- Independent GP-B Bearings - Black
- Bronson Alex Midler Pro G3 Bearings - Pink
- Bronson Breana Geering Pro G3 Bearings - Green
- SKF Oski Pro Bearings - Black
- Bronson Roman Pabich Pro G3 Bearings - White
- Bronson Braden Hoban Pro G3 Bearings - Purple
- Bronson Franky Villani Pro G3 Bearings - Yellow
- Bones Reds Skateboard Bearings - Packs
- CCS Blue Steel Abec 7 Skateboard Bearings - Packaged
- Shake Junt Night Train Bearings - Black
- CCS Ceramic Skateboard Bearings - White
- Bones Super Reds 16 Pack of Bearings - 8mm
- Bronson Ceramic Bearings - Black
- Bronson G2 Bearings - Orange
- Bronson Raw Bearings - Raw
- Bronson Nora Vasconcellos Pro G3 Bearings - Pink
- Bones Reds 16 Pack of Bearings - 7mm
- Shake Junt Abec 7 Bearings - Green
- Shake Junt Low Rider Bearings - Yellow
- Bones Swiss Ceramic 16 Pack of Bearings - 8mm
- Bronson G3 Bearings - Orange
- Bronson Alexis Ramirez Pro G3 Bearings - Black
- Rout Supply Co. Roller Bearings - 16 Pack - 8mm
- Bones Reds Bearings - Completes
- Daddies Board Shop ABEC 7 Skateboard Bearings - Bulk
- Bronson Fabiana Delfino Pro G3 Bearings - Red
- Independent Genuine Parts Bearings - Red
- CCS Blue Steel Abec 7 Bearings - Bulk
- Bones Swiss Original 7 Ball 16 Pack of Bearings - 8mm
- Modus Blue Skateboard Bearings - Blue
- SKF Alexis Pro Bearings - Green
- CCS Set of 2 Blue Steel Abec 7 Skateboard Bearings
- Bones Reds 16 Pack of Bearings - 8mm
- Ace High Performance Bearings - Blue
- Boa Blackbell Ceramic Bearings - Black
- Seismic Fullspin 7-Ball Ceramic XT Bearings
- Seismic Fullspin 7-Ball Steel XT Bearings
- Seismic Fullspin 7-Ball Lite Bearings
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{{ product.compare_price | money }}
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{{ product.price | money }}
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({{ product.reviews.count }})
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Loading Products
A skateboard or longboard is nothing without bearings! No, literally, it just won’t move without bearings in the wheels! There is much more to bearings than meets the eye! For a full run down check out the Bearings section in our Sicktionary! To ensure that you find the product that you like we have a huge array of bearings and carry all the classics like Bones Reds, IDS Oust Moc 5’s, and Seismic Tektons! Bearings aren’t a bad place to spend a little extra cash so if you really want to lead the pack then check out the Bones Swiss Ceramic Bearings! Or if you are a bit more budget conscious but still want a high performance ceramic bearing, check out the Daddies Ceramic Bearings with built-in spacers.
Bearings are an important part of any set up. Fortunately for riders, bearing development is a pretty strong industry outside of skateboarding alone and because the machinery exists to create just about anything, we’ve gotten some great products in return.
One thing you will notice right away when browsing through the choices of bearings is the word Abec. What is Abec? Is it a wheel? In this case, no. Abec 3, 5, 7 and 9 are ratings. They rate the precision of the ball bearings. The higher the rating, the more precise it is – with Abec 7’s being the standard in the industry. Paying attention in science class, we know that the more precise the bearings are, the smoother they’ll roll, because the parts work together better, making them faster. Going along with that, if you want a slow beginner bearing for your small child, go with an Abec 3, and if you want to win the championship race, go with the Abec 9’s.
Most people ride steel ball bearings because they are affordable, strong and have a good heat tolerance. Steel bearings come stock in pretty much every complete set up and we even have our own the Daddies Bearings to go along with all the other brands that we carry. Now, if you are looking to contribute to your high performance set up than you may want to go ahead and start looking at ceramic bearings.
Ceramic bearings have a much higher heat tolerance than steel ball bearings and they’re used commonly in the racing world. Although at first sight they are more expensive, their benefits outweigh that. Factor in high speed and high heat situations where wheels are likely to get very heated such as freeriding long hills in hot climates, and skating on ramps for long periods at a time.